The decision to be designated a Free Learner should not be taken lightly. FL is a label of responsibility.
It says to the world that you wish to take full responsibility for your education--what you learn, how you learn it and who you learn with and from. It also says that you are mature, respectful and considerate enough to handle the freedom.
It says to the world that you wish to take full responsibility for your education--what you learn, how you learn it and who you learn with and from. It also says that you are mature, respectful and considerate enough to handle the freedom.
freedom + responsibility = Free learner
- Freedom is when a person can do what they want to do and have what they want to have.
- Responsibility is when a person chooses to limit their freedom to allow others to enjoy theirs.
- Both are needed for a good society to be possible.
- Rights are the means by which each person’s freedoms are balanced against the freedoms of other people.
- Laws are the means by which the rights of others are encoded and enforced.
- Responsible action is freely chosen whereas legal action is coerced through enforcement on pain of penalty for disobedience.
- Education should aim to develop responsibility - which is morally superior to law-abiding obedience.
- Responsible behaviour derives from thoughtful reflection with regard to consequences, empathy, and free choice.
Responsibility is best learned through living in a community which solves its problems and disputes through negotiation and respect for the rights of others rather than fear of punishment.
The work of New York psychologist Stephanie Fagin-Jones is of interest. Courageous altruism: Personal and situation correlates of rescue during the Holocaust. The Journal of Positive Psychology When Stephanie interviewed 79 non-Jewish Holocaust “rescuers” and compared their attitudes and personalities with a similar number of non-Jewish “bystanders” she found that those who took risks to intervene tended to be autonomous and non-conformist with high levels of moral responsibility whereas those who stood by and failed to intervene were more law-abiding and obedient.
"The best environment for helping young people to develop the necessary traits would seem to be one that allows the freedom of self-directed learning within a community context of rights-respecting democratic decision making. You cannot be forced to be responsible – you have to learn it through taking and sharing responsibility – just as you cannot be forced to learn to swim by passing tests in a classroom without being allowed in the pool."
-Derry Hannam, Author, Another Way is Possible: Becoming a Democratic Teacher in a State School