What do the EXPERTS say?
Why regular school hurts kids
- Dr. Peter Gray |
fEATURED VIDEOYaacov Hecht on Democratic Education
crash course in self-directed education
The Level 1 and 2 courses are designed to help people easily gain an understanding of unschooling and to encourage the imagining of how public education can be different. Both courses consider the need for change and the benefits of self-directed, democratic learning environments. The course materials have been chosen for their brevity and strength of content, and to introduce participants to a range of thinkers and their particular perspectives.
Level 1 – total time required approximately 4 hours
A. The Case for Change: (1:15 hours)
B. The Case for Free Learning (1:20 hours)
A. The Case for Change: (1:15 hours)
- Ted Dintersmith: Prepare Our Kids for Life, Not Standardized Tests (11:37 min video)
- Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! (17:54 video)
- Born to Learn (4:55 min video)
- Eddy Zhong: How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent (8:43 min video)
- Carol Black: Alternatives to Schooling (15:15 min video)
- Richard Louv: Nature Deficit Disorder (12:12 min video)
B. The Case for Free Learning (1:20 hours)
- Peter Gray: What Is Self-Directed Education? (3:55 min video)
- Rachel Roberts: Democratising Education (13:46 min video)
- Sudbury Valley School (13:11 min video)
- Outdoor Play Canada (Website of valuable resources: browse 15:00 mins)
- Judy Arnall: Unschooling STEM by Understanding Learning Stages (53 min)
- The Future of Education (32:48 min video)
Level 2 – total time required approximately 5 hours
A. The Case for Change (1:15 hours)
B. The Case for Free Learning (2 hours)
A. The Case for Change (1:15 hours)
- Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms (11:40 min video)
- Cevin Soling: The Truthiness of School (10:54 min video)
- Nikki Adeli : What standardized tests don't measure (17:40 min video)
- Eric Hardie: The Relevant Classroom (20 minute read)
- Will Richardson: The Surprising Truth About Learning in Schools (16:27 min video)
B. The Case for Free Learning (2 hours)
- Peter Gray: How Our Schools Thwart Passion (15:23 minutes)
- Gordy Bal and Phillip Moore: Xploration Centre and How To Disrupt The Education System (56:09 minutes)
- Ramin Farhangi: Transforming Schools into Democratic Communities (15:53 minutes)
- Je’anna Clements: Decolonisation (10 min read)
- Michael Chary: We’re Born Natural Innovators, So Does School Kill Creativity? (10 min read, 5 min video)
- Tony Wagner and Ted Dintersmith: A School Within A School: (4:19 minutes)
The following links have been chosen for the likelihood that they will be meaningful to youth. They are also provided to build public awareness of what young people are being exposed to outside of school.
- Suli Breaks: I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate (5 minute Spoken Word video)
- Logan LaPlante: Hackschooling makes me happy (11 minute Tedx Talk)
- Jim Flannery: LEAVE SCHOOL: what teachers can't tell you (Easy listening audiobook)
- Marley Richards: Redefining Respect, Part One (6 minute audio clip)
- Student Voice: Student Bill of Rights (4 minute read)
- National Youth Rights Association YRA: Student Bill of Rights (6 minute read)
- National Youth Rights Association: The Academia Manifesto (5 minute read)
- Teach the Future: Climate Crisis Education (5 minute read)
- I'm 17 | Kate Simonds | TEDxBoise (14 minute video)
- A personal story: My Unschooling Testimony (4 minute read)
- Blake Boles: To Fix Education, Make it Consensual (4 minute video)
- Jay Shetty: Every Parent, Student, And Teacher Needs To Hear This (4 minute spoken word video)